Andrée Bigard (Dédée) became Edith’s secretary during World War 2 and used her work for the singer as a cover for her underground activities with the French Resistance. Piaf was notoriously badly organised, and careless to the point of folly with her money. She came to rely on Andrée more and more, not only as an employee, but as a close friend and confidante. It was Andrée who organised shelter from the Nazis for Edith’s Jewish friends, and arranged for them to receive money and food in the so-called Unoccupied Zone. It was Andrée, too, who put together Edith’s defence when she was called before the Comité d'Epuration des Professions des Artistes Dramatiques et des Musiciens Exécutants to answer for her activities under the Nazi Occupation.

Dédée Bigard remained loyal for all of Edith’s life and said:

“Whatever people say or imply about her, she was a woman of great purity.”

Jill Korn